Calf Club regulations:

We will be following the Ministry for Primary Industries’ guidelines to protect against Mycoplasma Bovis.  These details will be shared with those bringing in calves.

Below are also requirements from Ospri (Sarah Johnson) around the movement of calves.

  • If calves are over 3 months of age they must be pre-movement TB tested prior to going to calf day

  • All NAIT requirements must be met:

    • NAIT number for show to be created

    • All calves tagged

    • All calves registered

    • Movements made to and from the show.

  • ASD forms to be completed and to accompany the calves.

Visit for some great information on caring for a calf.

See this website on safe practices when bringing a calf to School.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​